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Current Projects


(Investigating Gains in Neurocognition in an Intervention Trial of Exercise) This is a Phase III, NIH funded, randomized clinical trial. IGNITE will examine the effects of aerobic exercise on cognitive and brain function in late adulthood (ages 65 - 80). We will be collecting a battery of cognitive, fitness, neuroimaging, body composition, brain amyloid levels, psychosocial, physical function measures, as well as blood-based biomarkers to examine the outcomes and mechanisms of the intervention. Participants will be randomized to one of three different exercise groups that will meet 3 times per week for 1 year. THIS STUDY IS NOW OPEN FOR RECRUITMENT! To learn more please click here.


(The Rhythm Experience and Africana Culture Trial) This is an National Institute on Aging clinical trial that will compare two activities, African Dance and a Cultural Immersion Group, which might be beneficial for older African Americans (ages 60-80). The study will examine whether brain health, fitness levels or quality of life improve as a result of participating in these activities three times per week for six months. View the study view here. This study will be recruiting soon. Check back for details.


(Exercise Program In Cancer and Cognition) This study explores the effects of a six month aerobic exercise intervention on cognitive function in women with early stage breast cancer who take hormonal therapy.  Study participants are between the ages of 51 – 75 with diagnosis of early stage breast cancer that are prescribed Aromatase Inhibitor Therapy.  Study procedures include: fitness testing, physical activity monitoring, quality of life (general well being), neuroimaging, blood draw and cognitive function through paper-pencil and computer tasks. View the study video here.


(Exercise, Brain, and Cardiovascular Health) Many factors can influence heart health, such as stress, physical activity, and the amount of information we have about what influences our health. In eBACH, researchers are specifically trying to understand the connection between the brain and heart health. A key question they are asking is about how differences in people’s physical activity relates to their brain and heart health. This study will involve an exercise intervention, where participants will exercise with a personal trainer two times a week for one year. Study particicpants are between the ages of 28 and 56 years old. 


This interdisicplinary and multi-national randomized controlled trial will examine the impact of different forms of physical activity on cognitive and brain outcomes in older adults.  In collaboration with Drs. John Jakicic, Renee Rogers, and Fabrisia Ambrosio as well as colleagues in Italy, this several year project will shed new light on the types of activity that are most effective for improving brain health.


This study is being conducted in collaboration with Dr. Terrence Forrester at the University of West Indies in Jamaica to examine whether individuals with a history of malnutrition show cognitive and emotional benefits from engaging in 6 months of exercise.